
Germicidal Lamp Handling

These lamps are very dangerous, use only in fixtures which provide adequate protection.



Health Effects:

DANGER: These lamps emit ULTRAVIOLET RADIATION (UVC). Avoid exposure. Ultraviolet radiation is harmful to the skin and the eyes and can cause serious skin burns and eye injury either from direct or reflected radiation. To reduce the risk of personal injury, install only in a fixture which provides adequate protection to area occupants. This lamp SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR ILLUMINATION PURPOSES.

One dangerous aspect of UV exposure is the delay from exposure to appearance of symptoms. Symptoms usually don't begin until a few minutes after exposure, and typically reach their peak more than a half hour (maybe a few hours) after exposure. In the event of exposure, prompt emergency medical treatment may reduce any damage.

Precautions for safe handling and use:

Consult the fixture manufacturer regarding the suitability of the fixture for this lamp. Operate with proper auxiliary equipment. Turn off lamps before installing, replacing, cleaning or performing any maintenance work near the fixtures.

Handle lamps carefully to avoid breakage. Broken glass can cause cuts.

Waste disposal method: At the end of rated life, when this lamp is removed from service it will be subjected to the current Toxic Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) prescribed by the Environmental Protection Agency. This test is used in determining whether an item is a hazardous waste or a non-hazardous waste under current EPA definition. These lamps would fail the TCLP test and would be considered hazardous waste under the Universal Waste Rules. Generators should evaluate all of the disposal options, which may be available in the particular state in which the generator’s facility is located. The generator should check with federal, state and local officials for their guidance.

Control Measures:

Do not operated under these lamps without personal protective equipment. (Goggles, glove, skin protection)

Respiratory Protection: If large numbers of these lamps are being broken appropriate respirator should be considered, note grinding of lamps on site may require a permit from state or federal authorities. We recommend recycling as your disposal method.

Ventilation: avoid inhalation of airborne dust

Hand and eye protection should be worn at all times when handling.

800 Burton Avenue, Suite 107
High Point, NC 27262
336-882-BULB (2852)

Order Line: 800-692-3051
Technical Support Line: 336-882-2854
Fax Line: 336-882-2819

Hours: 8 AM to 4 PM EST Monday through Friday

Sales: Address changes, invoice copies, tracking and delivery confirmation numbers, order status, product availability, payment options, shipping quotes, returns, damage claims

Technical Support: Help finding a product not listed, determining the correct lamp for your application, lamp handling and premature lamp failures

International Orders: Large international orders that require special shipping arrangements and quotes

If you have compliments, complaints, suggestions, or help with areas not listed above please contact:

Ron Miller
General Manager
