DGH 750W 120V Bowling Score Light Bulb Projector Lamp

222 Remaining In Stock
$25.00 Each
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Wattage: 750W, 750 Watt, 750 Watts
Voltage: 115-125V, 120 Volt, 120 Volts
Base: Medium Pf/P28, Medium Prefocus, Med. Pref., P28/25
Burn Position: BD, Burn Base Down
Filament: C13D, C-13D
Glass: T12, T-12, T12H, Tubular 1.5" in Diameter, Clear with Opaque Top
Average Life: 500 Hours
Lumens: 14500, 14,500
Color Temperature: 3050K, 3050°K Kelvin
Maximum Overall Length: MOL 5.75", 146mm
Light Center Length: LCL 2.188"
Typical Use: 8mm and 16mm Movie Projection, Bowling Equipment
Alternate Names: 750T12/34-120V, PXDC, GE 29875
For 230V use DKK
Shortest Life, Brightest Light Use DDB
For Shorter Life, Brighter Light Use DDY
Ampro Corp. (Graflex)
A-8 (serial number over 14000)
H, K, L, N, R, S, U, KD, KS, NC, UA, UC, YC, UAB
Century-5, Century-10, Century-10A, Compact
Premiere-10, Premiere-20, Premiere-30, Premiere-40
Super Stylist-508, -510, -512
Stylist Deluxe-548, -568
DEC, 481, 479 Military
Serial # 15565
American Optical Corp.
AMF-8252, 8256, 8257, 8265 Bowling Score
Siemans 2000 Bell and Howell Company
B and H 616-D5
Filmosound JAN 614, CB, CBM, 614CD, 614CE, 614CEM,
Filmstrip Model 724ABolex
S-211, S-221, S-311, S-321
GB-16, G-16
Model KK Crown Imperial DN-58 Bowling
Busch Film and Equipment Co.
Cinesalesman Senior 4
3S Cartoon Circus Conn. Tel. and Electric Co.
Sound Kong C-1 Conway Camera Co.
Valette Helene Curtis Industries
Natco, 3015, 3030 DeJur Amsco Corp.
DP-750, DP-1000
MW750, MW-750
D2, H, T, T2
BC, CS, RR, RS, Q, QR, SS, Z
15 Super 16, DeVrylite, DeVrylite 5, Bantam
11000-AA, -AB, -BA, -BB, -CA, -CB, 14000-AA Eastman Kodak
Kodascope Eight 71, 71A
Kodascope Eight 90, 90A
Chevron Showtime-8 Model 750
Kodascope-Analyst II
Kodascope Royal Projector Model BP-16 No. 11342
E, EE (series II), L, G
Sixteen-10, -20
Pageant Sound AV154, Type II, AV-154S, Type II, AV-154SD
AV-085, 085F1, AV-105M, 126TR, 126TRR, AV255S
256TR, 256TR-R, G1SA-2B, MF1-5, MF2-5, MK-5, 8K-5
Pageant (all other models)
Sound Kodascopes-F, FB, FB-25, FB-40, FS-10, Special FS-10N
Series G Model 2Elmo
F16-1000, F16-1000R
927-DM-16, 930-D-16, 928-AR-116
E-80 8mm ProjectorEmpire Projector Corp.
Empire PX Fairway Products, Inc.
Visomatic Film Circulation Corp.
Duplex A Forway Industries, Inc.
Forway 10, 10A, 10B, 10C, 12
Little Giant 10, 12 General Photgraphic Supply Co.
Elmo Graflex (Singer Corporation)
Educational StylistHarwald Company
Ad-MaticHolmes Projector Co.
Rex A, I-A, II-A, III Kalart Victor Corporation
ST-18, STV-18, STVA-18
65-4, Classmate 4
65-10, 65-25, Assembly 10 Soveriegn 25
70-0, Silent 16
70-15, RP, MP, 70-25, RP, 90-12, 90-25, 90-25MP, 90-25MPR
90-25TV, 90-25PA, MP, 75-15, RP, MP, 75-25, RP, MP
82-25 MPR Keystone Camera Company Incorporated
A-8, K-66, K-108, K-109, -AZ 8 Millimeter
K-95, K-10, K-109AX, -D, -V
A-81, -82, K-160, K-161, -M
K108 Commander Deluxe 8, Super 8
Kolograph Corp.
47, 1615-49
Lafayette Instrument Co.
AAP-100P, -200P, -205P, -300P, -301P, -302P, -303P
-500P, -501P, -502P, -503P, -700T, -701T, -702E, -705, -710
Lumen, Inc.
Jan AQ2, AQ3
L-W Photo, Inc.
Athena 1900, 224, -M, -MR
Marcellus Manufacturing Co.
Miracle #2
Movie-Mite Corp.
Calvin Movie Sound 8
Neumade (see Kalart Victor)
STM-18, Mark V
ST-18, STV-18, STVA-18
65-4, Classmate 4
65-10, 65-25, Assembly 10 Soveriegn 25
70-0, Silent 16
70-15, RP, MP, 70-25, RP, 90-12, 90-25, 90-25MP, 90-25MPR
90-25TV, 90-25PA, MP, 75-15, RP, MP, 75-25, RP, MP
82-25 MPR
Stereo Slide Projector
Projection Service Co.
Talk Pix 16, 20 Sheffield RCA Corp.
FP-5, -10, -20, -205, PB-139, PG-71, -170, -200A, -201
400 Junior, -Senior
Magnetic: M1-35000, -001, 002, 007, 008, 014, 050
M1-35006, 35016A, 35017A, 35018A Realist
Stereo projectors Revere Camera Corp.
90, P-90, P90X, 777, P777
P-48, P-48X
S16 Revere16
Model 48 16mm Projector
Tower P-911 8mm Sears Roebuck and Company
Tower P911, Model #911-27714 Made by Revere Camera Company
Tower Model: 803 8402, 1000W Max. Sentry Safety Control Corp.
Universal III, H, H-3, J Singer Corporation (Graflex)
Educational Stylist S.O.S. Photo Cine Optics
Imperial 16, Cinemaphone 16, Educator, Professional Standard Projectors, Inc.
Standard 38, 90 TDC
116 or 716 Technical Devices Corp.
Fodeco 8
Tel-A-Story Incorporated
12, JD-4, KS Slide Projection
TSI-Technical Service, Inc. (see Kalart
Victor Corp.)
TSI DeVrylite D3 Suitcase
DeVrylite DU15, 15R
Duolite ST-18, STV-18, STVA-18
Moviematic STM-18
Teclite S-18, S-20 Universal Camera Corp
Cinematic 752
Univex 750, 752, P750, P752 Universal Sound Systems, Inc.
Apex P, R, S
Van Der Schalie Corp.
Contimovie 16mm
Victor Animatograph Corp.
11, 20, 21, 22, 26, 31, 33, 36, 16, 16S, 24A, 24B
24C, 24AB, 25AC, 40A, 40B, 41A, 41B, 38
40C, 41C
55, Lite-Weight, 56, Envoy
60, Triumph, 60-2, 60-10, 60-25, 65-10, 65-55
60-4, 65-4, 65-0 Viewlex, Inc.
Viewlex AP7CT Wenzel Projector Co.
Ace Wollensak Optical Co. (also see Revere)
Wollensak 715, AZ-715, P-715, 18
Wollensak 65, P-65
8mm P-18Tachistoscope
Cross reference information is designed to help you find the
correct lamp for your application. We do not verify the accuracy of
You are responsible for ordering the correct lamp and we make
every attempt to help you in that process. We recommend that you
the information with the equipment manufacturer before ordering.
800 Burton Avenue, Suite 107
High Point, NC 27262
336-882-BULB (2852)
Order Line: 800-692-3051
Technical Support Line: 336-882-2854
Fax Line: 336-882-2819
Hours: 8 AM to 4 PM EST Monday through Friday
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Technical Support: Help
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If you have compliments, complaints, suggestions, or help with
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Ron Miller
General Manager