
Hard to Find Bulbs-Misc. B Series

Lamps ordered will generally be shipped the next business day by USPS Priority Mail or UPS, check here for Shipping Information. Large orders may qualify for a discount and may not qualify for next day shipment. If you do not know what lamp you require or for lamps not listed, email your request or call 336-882-2854. To order, please use our secure shopping cart or call 336-882-2852 or 800-692-3051. Click to go to our Home Page and View Cart.

B1A NE-51, 105V, .3mA, .14W, Neon Indicator, NE51, Neon Glow, BA9s, 105-125V, 1/25W, Average Life 25000 Hours, NE51, 105-125V, ¼W, .3ma, Neon, 220K External Resistance Required
B2343 Orbitec, 30V, 40mA, 1.2W, BA9s, B23030040, 8.5mm x 23mm, 2000 Hours, 30V40MA
B2380 240V, 3W, BA9s Miniature Bayonet Base, T-3 Clear Glass, .0125A, 9x25mm, Orbitec 116868, 1000 Hours, C-7A Filament, Signal
B2A Neon Indicator 105V 1.2mA .14W BA9s 1510K36 NE51H-B2A CMB2A Neon Glow 47KW1/4 W 150KW1/3 W Average Life 25,000 Hours Brightness High M15098/11-002 A-2501X SR, 47K External Resistance Required
B3041 BA9s, 24V, 3W, 10x28, Orbitech, MT, 116240 Signal Lamp, .125A, 125mA, 171-5999, Clear Glass, 10mm Diameter Glass, 9mm Diameter Base, 28mm Maximum Overall Length, 1000 Hours, 1715999, CP Glareshield Floodlights
B3456 BA9s, 24V, 2W, EC67193, T10x28, 24V2W
B3524 BA15d T16x35 24V 5W B35024005, 5T5-BA15D-24V, CM8-A233, 5T5-BA, 117551, T16mm, 2000 Hours, 156-270, 04572868, AB4090, 5280, OR10900, Ampolleta, 1002598, 04572868, SBC 35x16mm
B3544 BA15d, 7W, 145V
B48240025 240V, 25W, BA15d, Pygmy
B5326 16x54, 24/30V, 6/10W, BA15d, T-5 Clear
B7034 25G45/FR/B22D-24V, 25W, 24V, G45mm Frosted Glass, 45x75mm, B22d European Double Contact 22mm Bayonet Base, KB275024025F, 24V25W
B7A Neon Glow Lamp, NE45, NE45B7A, E12 Candelabra Screw Base, Neon Glow Arc Lamp, 110-125V, 1/4 Watt, T-4.5, T-4 1/2, IP. No. 131290, 70-6 71-2 T14(metric), 7500 Hours at 110V, 6240001791814, 6240-00-179-1814, DLA400-90-M-7938, Franz Electric Metronome LM-FB-3, Hickok Tube Tester, 30K Internal Resistor, 2mA, Lamp Glow
B8-32E Colortran, Clear Glass, 220-240V, 92.55mm Long, Made by G-E, For Quartz-King Lights, Quartz Iodine Lamp
B8-32E/FR Colortran, Frosted Glass, 220-240V, 92.55mm Long, Made by G-E, For Quartz-King Lights, Quartz Iodine Lamp, 176-016
B9A NE48, NE-48, 105-125V, 2mA, 30K Ext. Res. Reqd., Neon, 7,500 Hours, T4.5, BA15d
BA9-F-130V 130V, BA9s, C-5 Filament
BC11T3 Philips 815952, 12.8V, 12W, Rigid Loop
BFM-25W-White 25W, E14, White, 120V
BFM/E12-15W Wotan, 120V, 15W, cUX, E12 Candelabra Screw Base, ST26 Clear Pygmy Glass, 38.6017, Made in Germany
BLV-129 225V, 550W, Best No. 1217, 121701, RSC R7s Double Ended Base, T3 Clear Glass, 118mm Long, 2665 Stat Camera, J225V550W-118mm, Q550T3-225V, Agfa-Gevaert 1230 Graphic Arts Camera
BM-30 4V, 1.2A, 4.8W, BAY15d19, S6, C6/C6, MOL 1.82", 54 Lumens, 275 Hour, ARL, GE BM30 LC, Dual Filaments, BAY15d Indexed Double Contact Bayonet, 5100 Mine Style Headlamps
BP43X Royal BP43X 409B1, 409BI, G3.17 Bi Pin Base, T1.75 Clear Glass

800 Burton Avenue, Suite 107
High Point, NC 27262
336-882-BULB (2852)

Order Line: 800-692-3051
Technical Support Line: 336-882-2854
Fax Line: 336-882-2819

Hours: 8 AM to 4 PM EST Monday through Friday

Sales: Address changes, invoice copies, tracking and delivery confirmation numbers, order status, product availability, payment options, shipping quotes, returns, damage claims

Technical Support: Help finding a product not listed, determining the correct lamp for your application, lamp handling and premature lamp failures

International Orders: Large international orders that require special shipping arrangements and quotes

If you have compliments, complaints, suggestions, or help with areas not listed above please contact:

Ron Miller
General Manager
