BCA 250W Blue Photoflood Light Bulb Replacement Lamp

Discontinued - No Remaining Stock - No Recommended Substitute
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250W/115-120V (Medium) B1
B1 Photo Flood (Blue) Daylight I.F.
Life: 12 Hours
Base: Medium Screw-E26-Edison Medium Screw, 26mm
Amps: 2.12
Glass: A-21, A21
Filament: C-9
MOL: 4-15/16 inches
Burn Position: Any
Lumens: 8912
Color Temperature: 4800° Kelvin, Daylight
Cross-Reference: 00050, 1000046, 11626, 120-250-48F,
40564, B1,
BCA-118V, BCA-NO.B1, BCA118V, 11621-1, 11655
Generally, it is not advisable to use blue bulbs alone with
films. These bulbs are not designed to be the sole source of
but are to be mixed with or supplement daylight. When used alone,
tend to have a slight brown cast and may not yield true colors, though
at times they can be quite close.
You can use ordinary household globes for photography. But you
be aware of a few characteristics which you may want to consider.
Color Temperature:
Standard Domestic
Light Bulb
(40-60w) 2800K
Standard Domestic Light
Bulb (100-200w) 22900K
Standard Domestic Light
Bulb (500-1000w) 3000K
These bulbs will be significantly "warmer" (orange/red) than
light sources designed for photographic purposes. Remember the color
of quartz halogen fixtures is 3200K.
Standard household bulbs are not very diffuse. They tend to
burn hotter
in the center. You may find this undesirable, especially, if the light
source is in frame.
Options exist which allow you to use ordinary household
fixtures as
well as clip lights and special fixtures you can make for your own
Photographic suppliers and expendable supply stores carry several color
correct light bulbs which will fit into standard light sockets.
Enlarger Bulbs are widely used in motion picture lighting.
They are
evenly diffuse across the surface of the bulb, have a proper color
of approximately 3200°K and come in different wattages.
= 75w Color 2900°K, 1120 Lumens, 15 Hours
= 75w Color 2900°K, 1150 Lumens, 35 Hours
= 75w Color 3000°K, 1000 Lumens, 65 Hours
= 150w Color 3050°K, 2300 Lumens, 100 Hours
= 250w Color 3400°K, 7000 Lumens, 3 Hours
Photofloods (standard pear shaped) are another option. The
most common
sizes are: 250w and 500w.
= 250W Color, White-3200°K, 6500 Lumens, 20 Hours
= 300W Color, White-3200°K, 9000 Lumens, 20 Hours
= 500W Color, White-3200°K, 13650 Lumens, 60 Hours
(No.1) = 250W Color, White-3400°K, 8700 Lumens, 12 Hours
(No.2) = 500W Color, White-3400°K, 17800 Lumens, 8 Hours
(B-1) = 250W Color, Blue-4800°K, 8912 Lumens, 12 Hours
(B-2) = 500W Color, Blue-4800°K, 10500 Lumens, 6 Hours
Reflecting Globes (RFLs) (mushroom shaped) are another option:
DAN R-20 = 200w
BEP R-30 = 300w 3400°K
R-40= 500w 3300°K
Medium Beam
DXB R-40 = 500W 3300°K
Spot Beam
DXC R-40 = 500W 3300°K
Flood Beam
The 82A filter corrects for the BBA photo lamp light when
using tungsten
film. The 80B filter corrects for the BBA photo lamp light when using
To set up your "Light Station" place the screen on top of a
piece of
black paper and center it 12 inches directly below a 150W clear
bulb or a BBA No.1 Photoflood (preferred) Bulb. Either should be fitted
with a foil-type pie tin as a reflector.
Cross reference information is designed to help you find the
correct lamp for your application. We do not verify the accuracy of
this information. You are responsible for ordering the correct lamp and
we make every attempt to help you in that process. We recommend that
you confirm the information with the equipment manufacturer before
800 Burton Avenue, Suite 107
High Point, NC 27262
336-882-BULB (2852)
Order Line: 800-692-3051
Technical Support Line: 336-882-2854
Fax Line: 336-882-2819
Hours: 8 AM to 4 PM EST Monday through Friday
Sales: Address
changes, invoice copies, tracking and delivery confirmation numbers,
order status, product availability, payment options, shipping quotes,
returns, damage claims
Technical Support: Help
finding a product not listed, determining the correct lamp for your
application, lamp handling and premature lamp failures
International Orders:
Large international orders that require special shipping arrangements
and quotes
If you have compliments, complaints, suggestions, or help with
areas not listed above please contact:
Ron Miller
General Manager
ron@replacementlightbulbs.com |