
Hard to Find Bulbs-Sorted by Number Starting with 4

Lamps Identified by Numbers Starting with 0, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 192, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Lamps ordered will generally be shipped the next business day by USPS Priority Mail or UPS, check here for Shipping Information. Large orders may qualify for a discount and may not qualify for next day shipment. If you do not know what lamp you require or for lamps not listed, email your request or call 336-882-2854. To order, please use our secure shopping cart or call 336-882-2852 or 800-692-3051.

40 6.3V, T-3¼, .15A, Screw Base, 3000 Hours
28V, .1A, 2.8W, 2.4W at 24V, T3.25, T3¼, Wedge Base, Eiko 40696, 1.6 MSCP, C-2F, MOL 1.06" 26.9mm, MOD .4" 10.2mm, 1000 Hours
403 E10, G3.5, 4V, .3A
Blinker for two D size batteries 2.6V .3A 1965 Toy Wrecker Roof Blinker Light, E10, G4.5
4.9V, BA9s, G4.5
40B, Telephone, 40V, .035-.045A
41 2.5V, .5A, T3.25 Glass, .5 MSCP, E10 Miniature Screw Base
SR-Booklite, E10, G3.5, 4.8V, .3A, 1.44W, Book Lite
41306 Eiko, 6V, 30W, T-8, DC Bayonet Base, 230 Lumens, C-6Z Filament, MOL 2.25"/56mm, MOD 1"/25mm, 200 Hours, Lensometer
41316 6V, 15W, G-8 Clear 1" Diameter Globe Glass, BA15s Single Contact Bayonet Base, 130 Lumens, C-6 Horizontal Filament, MOL 1.69"/43mm, MOD 1"/25.4mm, 150 Hours, 2.5A, Ophthalmometer-Keratometer
6V, 3W, 15 Lumens, C-2R Filament, MOL .94"/24mm, MOD .44"/11mm, 300 Hours Average Rated Life, G3.5 Clear Globe Glass, E10 Miniature Screw Base, .5A, Perimeter
41324 Eiko, 6V, 5W, .83A, Ophthalmology Perimeter, 70 Lumens, Filament C-2R, MOL 1.375"/35mm, MOD .75"/19mm, Average Rated Life 600 Hours, Bulb G-6 Frosted, Base DC Bayonet BA15d
41332 Eiko, 7V, 35W, P30d, S-8, 450 Lumens, FC-8Z Flat Coil Filament, MOL 2", 100 Hours, Bausch & Lomb 71-37-01 Ophthalmic Accuchart Projector, 0017208
41336 3V, 1.5W
41346 Eiko 41346, 120V, 25W, E17 Intermediate Screw Base, S-11 Frosted Glass, 150 Lumens, C-5 Filament, MOL 2.32"/59mm, MOD 1.38"/35mm, 600 Hours, .21A
41348 120V, 15W, G11 Clear Glass, E26 Medium Screw Base, 100 Lumens, C-5 Filament, MOL 2.2"/56mm, MOD 1.38"/35mm, 600 Hours, Lensometer
4157 4157LL, GE 15657, Wagner, 4157K, 12V, Wedge
4157NA 4157NAK, GE 47458, Wagner, 12V, Amber Wedge
41970-SP Osram, 20AR70/SP8-12V 41970 20AR70/8°/SP 20AR70/8/SP 20W 12V Aluminium Reflector AR70 8° Flood 59013 Halogen BA15d UV Stop 3000 Hours 3000°K 20AR70/SP8-12V 41970 20AR70/8°/SP 20AR70/8/SP Halogen ALU 70mm Halospot 70 3000H UV Filter HGM//LP 20AR70/8/SP 20W 12V AR70 BA15D 41970SP SYLVANIA 8 DEGREE SPOT
42005 1.35V, .32A, G1.27, T-1
1.25V, BA9s, G4.5
42412-20400 Topcon, 12V, 50W, ACP-8 Eye Chart Projector Lamp
5V .5A 2.5W 40702 C-2R MOL 1.07"/27.2mm MOD .59"/15mm 15 Hours G-4 1/2 G4.5 Glass E10 Miniature Screw 2.3 MSCP
8V, .25A, 2W, G4.5 Globe Glass, E10 Miniature Screw Base
12.5V .25A G4-1/2 Mini Screw Base 40704 C-2V MOL 1.07"/27.2mm MOD .59"/15mm 250 Hours 2.4 MSCP
43 2.5V .5A 1.25W .5 MSCP C-2R 3000 Hours GE43 Miniature Bayonet Base T3.25 Glass MOL 1.19"
432 18V, 3.5CP, .25A, G4.5, E10
433 18V, .25A, 4.5W, BA9s, G4.5 Clear Glass, 3.5CP, 250 Hours, MOL 1.06", LCL .5", MOD .55", C-2V Filament, Replacement for L1456 1456 G5 Lamp
44 6.3V, 3000 Hours, BA9s, .25A, T3¼
44R 6.3V, 3000 Hours, BA9s, .25A, T3¼ Red Glass
Special Service, 2.6V, .3A, .78W, BA9s, G4.5
447 6.3V, .15A, 0.945W, T3-1/4, C-2V Filament, 1500 Hours, 0.15A, MOL 26.8mm, T3.25 Clear Glass, Wedge Base, .52CP, LCL 12.7mm
45 3.2V, .35A, .5CP, BA9s Miniature Bayonet Base, T3.25 Clear Glass, 1.12W, MOL 1.19" or 30.2mm, LCL .78" or 19.8mm, 3000 Hours
451240 TS4.5, 12V, 40mA, 12/40, 121004, 16mm Long, Tele-Slide, TS451240, TS4512040
24V, Clear, 5000 Hours, Slide Base, 40ma, 16mm x 4mm, Tele-Slide, Sunray, OAL .64", T1.25 .156" Diameter Clear Glass, T4524020, 5000 Hours, TS4.5, TS4524020, TS452420
454 Indicator, 4.9V, .3A, 1.47W, BA9s, G4.5
455 455MB Miniature Bayonet 6.5V .5A 3.25W BA9s, N455, S455, GE455, CM455, Eiko 40720, C-2R Filament, MOL 1.07"/27.2mm, MOD .59"/15mm, 500 Hours, Flasher Lamp, 1.9 MSCP, G4.5 Glass
G4.5, BA9s Miniature Bayonet Base, MOD 14mm, 28V, .17A, 4.76W, 2 MSCP. C-2F, MOL 1.07"/26.92mm, LCL .56"/14.2mm, 5000 Hours
45685 Eiko 05223, 14V .03A T1.5, T1 1/2, Bi Pin G2.54
457 5V, .08A, Sub-Miniature Bi-Pin
22V, Midget Flanged
Miniature Screw Base L 398 L398 6.3V 6-8V .25A T-3¼ .9 MSCP C-2R MOL 1.19 Inches 30.2mm MOD .43 Inches  11mm 3000 Hours Average Life
125V, 75W, apX, E27, Opaque Enlarger
28V, .17A, 4.76W, T3.25 Wedge, MOD 10mm, MOL 26.8mm, 1500 Hours, LCL 14.2mm, C-2F Filament, 3 MSCP, 3CP, S464
46V15W Brawn, Braun Editor, QEE/T, D2668, 46V, 15W, SV 8.5
47 TS47, 6.3V, .95W, .15A, BA9s, 3000 Hours, GE47, 39242-0, CM47, N47, SA47, 6V0.15A, 6240-00-155-8706, 6240001558706, 122691
47B Eiko 00025, 6.3V .95W, 3000 Hour, Painted Blue
47R 6.3V .95W, 3000 Hour, Painted Red
471 23V, .26A, 6W, Instrument, E12, G6
2V, S-2, MOL 1.19"/30.2mm, MOD .43"/11mm, 1000 Hours, T3-1/4 Glass, Miniature Screw, .06A, .04 CP
48220 Narva, 12V, 35/35W, 64185, HS1U, E1, 205, W2D2
48690 48V, 50W, H3, Forklift, Nordic, BJ, 93020441211, PK22s, Special Long Life, UV Stop, Fork Lift, Narva, Spezial LL
Telephone, 48V, .035A, 1.68W, NSN 6240-00-153-6515
T2, 48V, .035A, Tele Slide #2, MOL 1.69"/42.9mm, 5000 Hours, LCL .28"/6.9mm
48V, .021A, 1W, Telephone
34861-0, 48V, TS5
48PSB 48V, 53mA, .053A, .05A, 50mA, C-7A, TS-5, TS5, Tele-Slide 5, MOL 23mm, LCL 6.9mm, T-2 Clear Glass, 2.4W, 10,000 Hours, 48PSB5, Eiko 40742, GE 12075, Osram 33599, Dover Elevator Car 9871664, Elevator A487L3
2V, .06A, T3.25, BA9s Miniature Bayonet Base, .04 MSCP, C-6, MOL 1.19", MOD .43", 1000 Hours, Sylvania 336350
49321 Narva, 24V, 55/50W, Osram 7952 R2 Bilux 37R, Philips Duplo 13620, 00827
4S TS 4S, Midget Groove

800 Burton Avenue, Suite 107
High Point, NC 27262
336-882-BULB (2852)

Order Line: 800-692-3051
Technical Support Line: 336-882-2854
Fax Line: 336-882-2819

Hours: 8 AM to 4 PM EST Monday through Friday

Sales: Address changes, invoice copies, tracking and delivery confirmation numbers, order status, product availability, payment options, shipping quotes, returns, damage claims

Technical Support: Help finding a product not listed, determining the correct lamp for your application, lamp handling and premature lamp failures

International Orders: Large international orders that require special shipping arrangements and quotes

If you have compliments, complaints, suggestions, or help with areas not listed above please contact:

Ron Miller
General Manager
